Adult Ministries
Our desire is provide opportunity for every adult to further develop a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ through our ministries. The opportunities will include times of Bible study and the development of supportive, encouraging relationships with other followers of Jesus Christ.
Explore the Bible
Each Sunday morning from 11:00-11:45, several Adult Bible Electives are offered to encourage each person in their spiritual growth. No matter what level of spiritual maturity you may possess we aim to provide something that will challenge you to continue growing in your Christian life. These electives allow people to ask good questions and grow from answers from the Bible.
Life Groups
Most adults at Grace Life meet twice a month in our small home group ministry called "Life Groups" where we learn to know each other better, enjoy meaningful fellowship, and fulfill the Biblical "One Another" commands as we minister to one another.
Weekly Bible Studies
Bible studies for men and women are held throughout the week at various times and locations, please check the announcements on Sunday mornings and through our emails for current times and locations.