Why should I not fear the Coronavirus?
In Psalm 23 David says,
23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Why does David not fear?
Because the shepherd is with him. The presence of the shepherd calms his fears. The Good Shepherd inspires confidence and contentment when darkness and uncertainty surround us.
He says “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” With the rod, our Shepherd protects us from predators that would hurt us. With his staff, he guides us to nurturing, life giving green pastures.
Being “protected” by the Good Shepherd does not mean we will never get sick. It means we are loved and secure with him. It means when we get sick he tenderly cares for us. It’s interesting that David acknowledges life will have trials and pain, he says he will walk “…through the valley of the shadow of death.” Just because we are saved, love and protected by the One True Shepherd does not mean that we will never “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” Many of you have walked through several dark valleys and found the Good Shepherd to be faithful.
Evil is present in our world & we can’t escape it– but his point is that we don’t have to fear it.
While the virus isn’t “evil” several questions come to my mind:
Are you experiencing the peace of the presence of the Good Shepherd amidst the fear of the virus that seems so widespread?
Are you open to the guidance of the Shepherds staff? Could he be using the threat of the virus to guide your attention towards Him?
The virus has everyone attention – and for good reasons. We all need to be smart as we move forward. Yet it has not taken our Good Shepherd by surprise. Stay close to him, enjoy his presence, protection, provision and his guidance. Perhaps as we all calculate our social engagement it may lead to a bit more time with the Savior.
Enjoy Walking with the Savior Today, Pastor John